Monday, September 14, 2015

Inguinal swelling: History

History in Inguinal swelling  

1.       Age, occupation
2.       Presenting complaints
·         Swelling in groin (inguino-scotral) region
·         Dragging pain (dragging over mesentery)
·         Sense of weight/heaviness
3.       History of Present Illness
·         Swelling –Mode of onset
·         How did the swelling appear first (with strain or not)
·         Site of first onset
Ø  Groin/scrotum àinguinal hernia 
Ø  Below groin crease àfemoral hernia
·         Reducibility 
Ø  Immediate (direct inguinal)
Ø  Self (indirect inguinal)
Ø  Overnight (varicocele, congenital hydrocele)
·         Progress of the swelling—size and extent of the swelling at onset—whether the swelling descended from groin to the scrotum or from scrotum to the groin
·         Pain
Ø  Dragging, dull aching (Usually)
Ø  Very painful (strangulation)
Ø  Colicky pain- obstructed hernia
Ø  Acute pain without symptoms of obstruction – Richter’s Hernia (Browse)
4.       Precipitating factors
·         Chronic cough, asthma, bronchitis
·         Heavy weight lifting( occupation)
·         Constipation (straining to pass motion)
·         Urinary complaints: night frequency, hesitancy and urgency
·         History of appendectomy (damage to ilioinguinal nerve- Direct hernia)
5.       Any systemic symptoms
·         Colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, distension, absolute constipation (Obstructed hernia)
6.       Past history
·         Previous hernia repair

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